As we finally launch P.O.P in 2015, grandparents are among our Instagram followers, SoulCycle is no longer the only option for the intense workout lovers, Facebook is celebrating our friendship anniversaries, a company called The League had just launched to match make intellectual minded singles, and we no longer need to lift ourselves off the couch for anything thanks to our Post Mates and its likes. Now this too convenient and somewhat “healthy” lifestyle is so engrained in our daily lives, not just in the sunny Los Angeles or the busy New York, but globally. The norm is to have children and live a prosperous life, but we must embrace a strategically designed, sustainable life so we save Marshall Islanders from flooding and ourselves from humanly regrets.

Since a while, Pelin Ozgul has become a valued source of intel on trend-spotting, innovative design, healthy living, along with travel planning, healthy (sometimes unhealthy yet risk-worthy) eating, spiritual healing. Ozgul completed her architectural journey at UC Berkeley and humbled her rather elevated European lifestyle with the down-to-earth community and culture of San Francisco.  After spending a year in Los Angeles indulging in the healthy-living and juicing craze, she moved across the country to the city of New York to refine her perspective on quality design, conscious living and healthy work standards with a Master’s degree on Sustainability Management at Columbia University.

Thus, from the beginning, P.O.P was launched with the vision of a progressive lifestyle and design publication devoted to the innovative design and sustainable living practices—and such unique lifestyle elements to expand the limits of our vision. Created by a traveloholic architect and sustainability enthusiast — with the support of many intimate bystanders of her daily journeys—P.O.P aspires to capture the essence of tasteful living modes blending nostalgia with upcoming trends.

P.O.P hopes to be the outlet for the products of this creative living modes and intellectual wanders through their own and even your own experiences.